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U.P. Energy Task Force Seeks Public Input

The UP’s Energy Task Force’s next meeting, is tomorrow in St. Ignace.

The Task Force, will be looking for public input, regarding propane availability in the UP.

The results of the meeting will be included in the report that must be turned over to Governor Whitmer by March 31st. 

Last year, Governor Whitmer created the Task Force, via Executive Order, and gave them the following job-

1) Assess U.P’s over all energy needs, and how they’re being met.

2) Formulate alternative energy solutions for the U.P.

3) Identify and evaluate potential changes that could occur to energy supplies and distribution

The meeting begins at 10 am at Little Bear East Arena, 275 Marquette St in St. Ignace.

A public comment session is scheduled to begin at 11 am.

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