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UPPCO Pursues Rate Increase

Upper Peninsula Power Company wants to raise its rates.

The company has filed a request with the Michigan Public Service Commission for an additional $17.3 million per year in revenue. The increase would be phased in over a two-year period beginning in July of 2023.

In its filing with the MPSC, UPPCO says the increase is needed because of increased costs, and investment in infrastructure.

A preliminary hearing on the request will be held in Lansing tomorrow morning at 9:00.

Those interested in following or commenting on the process may call or write Upper Peninsula Power Company, 1002 Harbor Hills Dr., Marquette, MI 49855, (800) 562-7680, for a free copy of its application. Any person may review the documents at the offices of Upper Peninsula Power Company or on the Commission’s website at: michigan.gov/mpscedockets.

Any interested person may participate. Persons needing any assistance to participate should contact the Commission’s Executive Secretary at (517) 284-8090, or by email at mpscedockets@michigan.gov in advance of the hearing.

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