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“Plan B” for Road Improvements?


Those who would like to see the Michigan Sales Tax increased to pay for road improvements continue to maintain that there is no backup plan if Proposal One fails in May. Campaign leader Roger Martin simply says, “What people need to understand is that the only viable option out there right now is Proposal One.” State Representative Scott Dianda from Calumet disagrees. “There is a Plan B because we have a lot of people, like myself, that are working on ideas to put on paper to be able to have a bill package,” he says. Dianda voted against putting the proposal on the ballot in the first place, saying he felt it was the legislature’s job to solve the problem without going to the taxpayers. What does Dianda think would Plan B entail?  “I think that we’re going to have to take a look at what we’re spending, make some structural changes, take a look at Act 51, enhance the money for the road commissions and the locals and I think that a lot people have other ideas along with myself that make sense.” If voters agree to raise the sales tax by a penny, most of the money will go toward roads. Some will be used for public schools, local governments, public transit, and an increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit.


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