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Sales Tax Increase Would Also Support Mass Transit

Some opponents of Proposal 1, which increases taxes and triggers other revenue primarily for roads, schools and local government say it should be voted down because revenue also goes to things like mass transit.

Those opponents argue that its wrong to put more money into a system that includes a lot of empty busses.

But Clark Harder of the Michigan Public Transit Association has heard the criticism before, noting that if he had a nickel for every time that question was asked, he’d be retired by now.

Harder argues that quite often some roads are not heavily traveled, just like buses sometimes have virtually no passengers.

Harder also says that recent statistics showing a drop in mass transit passengers is largely due to the financial difficulties in Detroit, which has nearly 250 fewer vehicles than it did a decade ago.

Voters decide May 5th on Proposal 1, which increases the state sales tax by a penny, among other things.

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