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UPCAP Seeks to Educate Caregivers of Dementia Patients

Caring for a family member with dementia can become a daunting task for an entire family. Some days a patient can recall simple events from the past week. While other days they may not recognize people who have been in their lives for many years. Later this month, the Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress will host a three-part program with the intent of informing caregivers of dementia patients. The online conference will share basic information such as what the disease is, and how it tends to progress in Americans afflicted by dementia. As well as share strategies for communication, activities to promote brain function and benefits of self-care for caregivers. UPCAP does require all participants in the three-day online seminar to register. Registration for the Dementia Caregivers series will end on October 15th. The three-day series will take place on Tuesdays, October 24, 31, and November 7th. The Dementia Caregivers Series is funded in part by the Older Americans Act and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Aging, community living, and supports.

Find the registration link here.

Find more information here.

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